This cut is an exception because it is -not as usual with BuDu, and conceptually wanted – was developed spontaneously out of the moment. The first set comes from a contemporaneous finished solo production, glides into a bandversion. There is so much to say. . . But who today will still listen to the time and the interest 17:50 minutes?
Content pulse is the “oceanic feeling”, which delivers unreservedly the waves of emotions. . . . boundless love and endless grief. . . Something you can not think up, things can only grow and that takes time! . . . and takes BuDu profusely. . . Those who are wondering when it starts because times are not this cut can understand .. . . . The “Phillip Glass fans” will be rocking and the “rockers” to spherical – and so sits BuDu where it belongs: “between all stools.” . .
BuDu makes anyway everything always spontaneous and surprising. . . anything but the classical part, the terms otherwise very strictly through-composed solo productions, returns are now the “fertilization direction” to. Was previously always BuDu fertilized by themes of solo work, now BuDu fertilizes ! Now, there are three possible final versions for this this classic set : “cute / powerful / dance” – “sad / desperate” or “angry / violent / warlike”, they are allowed to develop each of the flow of the game and the momentary mood out … and therefore have a high degree of authenticity in mind.
BuDu brave defies so-called “professional stageacts”.
Anyone who is interested in classical guitar concerts, should visit in the CLASSIC department.