
Savlonamba A Band wants to be successful and so they publish their material hoping for resonance, which is why there is rarely the rough and unapproachable to be found on record. With BuDuClan it is the other way round: The centre of our attention is the search for the never-heared, and thus the more conventional material is sorted out, because it doesn´t fit our aspiration. Here, Savronamba is an exception – for a change quite conventional, harmonical and without breaks. But this is no concession to the world of advertising that relentlessly errrrradicates the unredeemed and dissonant stuff, but simply because it happened so truely! Even though BuDuClan, too, are looking for resonance – but not for any price!

Soul we are

Namaste ( = I salute the divine in you. ! )

Polish Rhapsodie If you makea trip, there`s a lot you can tell. . . That there was to tell all sorts of things can be seen from the length of this cut. Of a light, dreamy summer atmosphere it gets (through various changes of colors) at the end then funky. . .


Soft and sveet



Thank You

Run to me


One two three



“Jella” is also available as a solo production: 2-–aus-6-3-7ALL–Mi EffMast.mp3

Who this version appeals, should visit at recommended

there are similar songs, and classical Instrumenals out of my hand.