Desert Storm was the code name of the U.S. military action in Iraq.
The war always begins with lies – and that he is lost, if it starts, is known.
This cut is both against the war and against fanaticism, because BOTH violates dignity and freedom that are the parents of all good things.
From tender banter looking his way, the song develops into a storm, all the tears away. . . .
and in the background the guitar annoying bleating non-stop .. . .
How colorful this desert, as the bloodthirsty attack (remember the photo of Saddam
Hussein in the Abyss). . .
Category Archives: …dramatic
Finally, my guitar synthesizer may even spread in all its diversity. . . Cello and violins spread a gray-brown, medieval-like atmosphere, which then peeled off, surprisingly only a jazzy Vibraphonsolo, only to end in a dialogue of organ and strings become hysterical. . . and ultimately disappearing into the distance, out of the whole thing was.
Cog in the machinerie
Olaf Cogueinthemachinerie.mp3
During the break told Hardy, the engine of his car had croaked. . .
This was not without consequences. . . Maschiiiin kapuuuut!
Although the cause was not a gear, but the gear into a depressing feeling (soulless)
Machine to be known, probably each. (A congenial version of “getting out of here”)
The wonderful “abgewürgte engine” and especially the landing helicopter, which in its
Drama touches the feeling of a threatened soldier his last hope from the battle
“From above” hoped. . .
The machine is fighting so to himself, in the first part turns unexpectedly down a gear
is the tank that niederwalzt martial everything, and then this helicopter. . .
until the engine finally spits oil.
Yes, we are part of this violent society! – Unbearable, as you can hear.
Black and silver
In a known mind If you do what you always do, you stay the one you’ve always been. . !
Monsters–REMIX-FERTIG.mp3 This is the original version of Monsters from 2005. It is one of the few tracks that were later re-invented several times. (See also text to galley …) Depressing, gloomy, scary. . .
Zombies ( Cranberrys )
The famous Cranberry song with German text
NSAMAD The greater part of the BuDuClan texts are usually understandable in the hook lines only.. . . Here comes an exception. . . I eavesdropped the text and changed it slightly.
FBI and NSA – keep their secrets locked away
Edward Snowdon blew them all about
Edward you are brave – you are so brave !
Sleep well and deep – you all
BND and MAD – listen to whatever you say
if you don`t know why am I – getting in this rage
imagine that your diary – is spread into the
world wide net
See them coming from behind
sowing – fear and jealousy
Worldwide people start to band
together to be one and to resist
to get out of the mist
Arabia Lybia, Italy, Berlin, Hamburg – here and now
but see how soft and sweet they are –
but see how soft and sweet they are
Peaceful people in a crowd
are something like a herd
they wanted to bring a stone to roll
but then they`re casting the first stone
they`re casting the first stone
casting the first stone –they`re casting the first stone!
oh, so soft and sweet they are
soft and sweet they are
soft and sweet they are
See the crowd has found
the beat is getting strong
so many people are convinced
so many can`t be wrong
so many can`t be wrong -so many can`t be wrong
I watched what was going on
and knew the crowd was right
but felt it`s getting violent
protest becoming fight. . . .
Come on Madeleine lets go
Come on Madeleine lets go
Come on Madeleine lets go
Come on Madeleine lets
Madeleine lets make love – not war !
I want to hear the rhythm of your heart
not that beating – that beat is much to hard
I want to hear the rhythm of your heart
not that beating – that beat is much to hard
Father – Epos in 4 Sätzen Dont `t mind – Father – Garden – Far Away ( 16:58 )
Inspired by a true story that really touched me.
1 Sentence: Don `t mind ( until 2:50 )
Not infrequently creates hardship not only by the fact that you are doing something wrong, but the fact that you do nothing . . . This tough and scary condition gives the first set expression. The indifference is perhaps more threatening than attacks !
2 Sentence: Father ( 2:50 to 5:45 )
As a son cries for help: ” Father! ” – Whether the celestial, or the biological is meant is so beautiful in the dark . . . Whether he descends or comes to visit. . . the question is: “When ? ” Waiting a day – and a day – and a day …
3 Sentence: Garden ( 5:45 to 10:30 )
Soft and sweet – this garden is far, but to reach !
so far. . so far away . . . so far . . . – and then this far and strange ” Chinese” sounding solo ; ) The hope for a happy ending lends strength to walk through the dark valleys and is even able to see the crisis as an opportunity.
4 Sentence : Far Away ( 10:30 to 16:58 )
Longing without end. . . and a heart-rending little bass solo ( 14:40 ) .
In the late Father gives son a song
where he can hold view until it is back home . . .
You’ re stuck ( The knot )
1st set: “The Guru lights the candles”
2nd set: “You’re stuck”
3rd set: “Salvation”
This cut is dedicated to Manfred B.
Die Veröffentlichung des zugehörigen Videos erfolgt zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt, da die Freigabe des Bildmaterials durch die BBC noch nicht erfolgt ist.
Wie der Tonart fremder Welten entnommen, ertönt martialischer Gitarrennoise vor dem bizarre Kreaturen ins Bild schweben. Es handelt sich dabei um computeranimierte Flusaurier des Namens Ornitokairos*, die vor Millionen von Jahren ihr Element die Lüfte beherrschten. ( Das Element Erde gehörte, wie man sieht, nicht zu ihrem Herrschaftsbereich . . .).
Was uns erhält ist der Trieb zur Arterhaltung, was uns voranbringt, ist der Eigensinn. . .Die hier animierten Szenen aus dem Liebesleben der Saurier, zeigen, wie brutal und gnadenlos der Kampf um die meisten Begattungen gewesen sein könnte . . .und, sie zeigen das traurige Ende mißlungenen Begehrens eines einzelnen, der seine Aufgabe erfüllt hat und zum Schluss eine würdige Bestattung erfährt.
So war das, und so ist das.
Äh, äh, äh ! Ich kann ja nicht “schön” singen . . .
Zu singen wie ne Nachtigall
kommt mir nicht in den Sinn
Ich krächze wie ein Rabe
weil ich ein Rabe bin ! ,
aber in der richtigen Tonart zu würgen zu können, ist ja auch was(5:53 ).
Zu diesen fremdartigen Kreaturen, kommen fremdartige Tonarten und Intervalle. . .und dann schimpft da auch noch einer rückwärts in die monsrösen Klangwogen, die an den Strand branden.
No one cares
A man curses almost uninterruptedly, until also that goes away. . . and he drowns in the sea of tears. . .
He fights, snaps once more for air, and calls for help one last time. . . then he slippes into the strange world of deep grief, which becomes ever more powerful and menacing, crushing him to the end mercilessly.
War Clowns
The publication pause was not a creative one, but one technical (hardware and software updates). From now on there will be weekly “fresh cuts” again. . .
If the leaders of powerful nations make themselves so ridiculous as personalities, because their primitive intentions are so transparent, one can only laugh. . .Hopefully the laugh will not be stuck in our throats.
Horrorclowns are just in fashion. I could not imagine that this tastelessness could be surpassed. . .it can !
Horrorclowns may look more terrifying than War Clowns (Trutin, Erduump und Putoan), but War clowns not only scare for a short moment, they bring the horror over generations, because they cost so many people’s lives and destroy so many souls.
At the end, it is always the same. . .dead and traumatized remain.
The same akkordeon, who has performed for the victory celebrations, accompanies
the sad melodie of the injured and tries to spread cheerfulness unsuccessful
at the end. On the long road into an uncertain future, the akkordeon must
fall back to the lighter flute, which disappears into the gloomy future at the end . .
“War clowns” is dedicated to the listener from Donnetzk, who in the times of the
merciless fights almost daily BuDuClan has heard.
Був клоуни присвячений слухачів з Donetzk, який чув за часів безжалісних боїв
майже щодня BuDuClan.
Spit With 2 new cuts, BuDulan returns from the summer break. Not that there was no music. . Every year I bring a song of my summer sea voyages: ” Here I am “. Disoriented and lost, the play seeks itself,
. . . until a sound like an annoying insect buzzes through the scene,
attracting all attention and and finally finds back the Lost NOW.
It sucks ! Kaum zu glauben, das dies alles gleichzeitig und live entstanden ist. Von den ursprünglichen 36 Minuten sind 18 Minuten “Konzentrat” übriggeblieben. Ob das Thema “totgeritten” oder zum “Schillern” gebracht wurde, möge Jeder selbst beurteilen. Für meine Ohren, bleibt es spannend bis zum letzten Ton ( der uns m.E. besonders gut gelungen ist ).
Sehr langsam erwacht ein Monstrum, erhebt sich schwerfällig und setzt sich dumpf und instinktgesteuert in Bewegung. Martialisch stampft das Vieh durch das Stück und walzt alles nieder, das sich ihm in den Weg stellt . . .da bleibt nur die Flucht, von der hier erzählt wird.
Dieses Monster gibt es auch in uns ( vorausgesetzt es gibt in uns noch eine Sau, die herausgelassen werden kann. . . ). In dieser Beziehung ist Flucht allerdings keine Lösung, sondern nur Verlängerung der Qual !
“meet your monsters. . .they`re your friends !” siehe (bzw. höre ) Monsters
Ich möchte an dieser Stelle auf einen neuen Text hinweisen. “BuDuDuBuDaDa” – zum 100 Geburtstag von dada.
You promised END.mp3 Über Jahre aufgebautes Vertrauen kann in einem einzigen Moment komplett zerstört werden. . . Wenn das geschieht, kommt immer erst die Trauer, dann die Anklage, die zur Raserei gesteigerte Wut und letztlich die Resignation. Du hast es versprochen . . !