Affentheater (+Video)


3Affen2SWDu At the very end of our last session slipped a bloody, raw punk
out of our sleeves. . . how naughty it was spewed – Ugh !

The video is enigmatic. . . Who sees nothing and hears nor speaks,
must be wondering what this is all about . . .and if there is one who
understands something of gardens, then the monkeys !
But even the monkeys were subjected to the delusion of normalization
and must now again only learn what they actually already knew. . . .
– totally crazy ! [flv][/flv]


Sing along



If three experienced, savvy musicians in many styles not somewhere

“stuck” and have managed to ampf the K (r) in the

Eye of the “music police” to present themselves as “good musician” must,

have left behind, then it’s actually really started. . .

Since then a man lies with a moose on his head cap

into the sample chamber and has the question:

“Do you have music – or have you been playing? ..” on the lips,

and get the answer from his ears.

Yes, we have been playing. . . playing with moods, our experienced and Freud

Suffering directly as possible. . . and sometimes it sounds just like `ne Schülerbäääänd.

Shut up !

Cold rage

Electronic – ironic

WaBaDuDa Comic – ironic – symphonic
Dear Sirs, do you still have a sow that you can let out . . ?
Or have you sacrificed it on the altar of the “good conduct” to pray before this for freedom?
Your sow is the best of you, because the original impulses flow through their veins until they arrive above, my “clean gentlemens” . . .
WaBaDuDa !

Dubdubdeida Hörst Du den Zug kommen . . ? . . .oder ist er schon abgefahren . . ? . . .oder entpuppt sich gerade das “Licht am Ende des Tunnels” als Fahrlicht eines entgegenkommenden Zuges ? Da steckt einer sarkastisch dem Schmerz die Zunge heraus ! Vermeidest du den Schmerz, verunmöglichst du die Lust. . !

Drunk (+Video) Kein Kommentar . . ! [flv][/flv] No comment . . ! [flv][/flv]

Boring It happens that a musical theme is perceived as boring, because it does`nt produce
any resonance . . . instead of simply ceasing, BuDuClan makes it the topic. . .

Run too fast