This night is too long

If BuDuClan says “everything to pour out of his sleeve,” I risk my credibility with this cut, because it is not-as-usual in the middle part to get collage. . . As usual, the resulting “flow” was taken, and leave everything in place, the organ and synthesizer sounds cello had, however, “resorted” Vedas. As a melancholy ballad one Rockmummer is, then the “atonal free” to change and then the opening theme re-record, but this time energy to ultimately “to party” in a twice as fast Powerrock passage remains the listener while locked up he noted at the. . . in your head it is working, “the Gesaltlosigkeit the free passage just this illustrates how even be i”. . . this night is too long “, the duration and the feeling it must be heard!
The “upset” of course, first, because it violates all the listening habits. . .
The song length exceeds the usual level a lot (15 minutes),
Stylistically disparate elements such as free jazz ballad and become a cohesive
Meaningful unit together, which is more than crossover. . .
Content, it is something that everyone knows. . .
Experienced, that’s deep, but below the level of consciousness is driving his nature and does not let go. . . it is noticed, it leaves a distraught back and robs a sleep. . . and then the night is way too long!

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