BuDu resists! BuDu does not just complain – BuDuClan act!
Anyone who deplores the present state of our society and senses the inhumanity in it, must not be surprised at becoming its victim oneself unless there is strenuous opposition.
Scenarios masterfully depicted by Charlie Chaplin (“Modern Times”) or Huxley in the 1930ies are our present-day realities. Interests focussed on maintenance of power overwhelm the longing for a world worth living in, in the same way the snake in Paradise is said to have done…
Sneakingly, the processes of work are being condensed und accelerated in such a way that the “human capital” reaches the highest possible efficiency whereas the “social garbage” is being cheaply administered and fobbed off with residual waste…
And just by the way the pursuit of freedom is being deposed off as well – as we know that freedom is dying as soon it needs to be defended (Thomas Mann). Yet there is no defence even because the lack is not perceived but compensated with little make-belief freedoms.
It takes time to accompany Smetana´s “Moldau” from the well to its mouth into the sea. Perception needs time to connect experience to the inner (intraworldly –Heidegger) conception of self… BuDuClan take their time it needs and thus violate listening habits. BuDuClan refuse to provide utilisable products but invite to participate, to resonate.
“Brave new world” : http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/Bravenewworld-Ses186_170712_-O-Mix01-MasOz.mp3
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