Giantly stomping straight ahead bass figure comes out of the guitar noise jumble like
a primeval creature driving the singer into sreeching screams first choking retching
into irony and madness at last. “Mary got it right ! ahead” – That is too much!
Sleeping, later this creeps into dreams. . . uih -uih-uih, a-changing first in way up – way down and then into wing up – wing down and at last it flies away . . – not without, just here and there reaching out in pain or fury for sustainable point or ground . . . – if it came. . .if it came. . .if it came. . .
With BuDuClan missing out on the definiteness of conventional songs there is no easy
access to unveil their music. This is no unability nor chance, but wilful hardship. For
BuDuClan do advocate the multitude und unrhymed, the undissolved which is
endangered by our reckless world to be erased – here it may live, survive the
“humanness” with clear kept mind for gist and substance outwith a normed daily
scheme that draines our energies.
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Das was Ihr macht ist sowas von Krass, das es mich manchesmal total fesselt. Der Bassist scheint die Stimmung auszulösen die sich vortan immer weiter verselbstständigt und den Gitarristen vor sich hertreibt. Ich finde es besonders interessant das es in Euer Musik überhaupt kein Tabu gibt, sämmtliche Regeln werden auf den Kopf gestellt. Die Tonqualität ist der absolute Wahnsinn, macht weiter so.