
http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/WaBaDuDa-Ses278-080117-M+H-Mix-02-MasInt.mp3 Comic – ironic – symphonic
Dear Sirs, do you still have a sow that you can let out . . ?
Or have you sacrificed it on the altar of the “good conduct” to pray before this for freedom?
Your sow is the best of you, because the original impulses flow through their veins until they arrive above, my “clean gentlemens” . . .
WaBaDuDa !

Listen to the noise

http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/ListenToTheNoise-Ses-201170313-M-Mix01-MasOz.mp3 This cut must be accompanied by a more elaborate comment.
On the one hand it is so distracting that even I myself was stunned for a start, on the other hand it exemplifies the process of creation of that strange BuDuClan music.

. . . zum Text

The bible

From the “Viola fog” rises slowly, but steadily clearer becoming a voice, that will in the increasingly angry. The reason: We do not talk about God, not to be seen as naive. . .
here God is but a much better idea than the real existing insanity that the most believe. Through all the abuse that has been driven in God’s name, yet the core can be seen, just a not so easily done…
Whether it’s the “garden” of which the singer is now or not remains unclear. . . certainly is, that did not look to the garden would be a serious mistake !

The letter

http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/TheLetter-Ses199-030313–M-Mix01-MasOz-Lim.mp3 The song tells the story of someone who tried to write a letter .. . . . . . . . In the numerous attempts to organize the thoughts, is always found the hard way that the core of the message is thought withdraws orders. . . Then fills the trash until it is determined that it (still) is nothing to say, because the heart is still stunned to. . . Everything in its time. . ! – because in the beginning is`nt the word, but the impulse that recorded the whole thing. Only when the surface of this source has calmed down, a clear picture is writable. . . For the credibility of the concept BuDuClan “Everything off the cuff” not to endanger, must be noted here that the percussion not played live (we are a trio!), but was added in post-production.



. . . times now they are not political, here!
A somber salute to “big brother”. . .
as evidence that he was recognized!
as a reminder of his conscience, because he is a
inhuman world shaping,
as a flag that uphold the worth your time. . .
because with the freedom to die all good things!

Bad body

Lamenting the guitar stands in front of a somber, wide space. . .
Lead Heavy, but inexorably, then the whole thing rolls inexorably forward. . .
until then (thank God) disappears in the distance.
In between times of screaming as if he had “` ne screw loose “- already
alone because of this impossible diction: “Poor dead body has”.
Yet (the schoolmaster might whip out their red pencil), the singer has certainly
knew what he meant. . . hinfühlt and who understands that too. . ! – Anyway!

Weird- ( The blue in the garden )

http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/Wird-Blueinthegarden-Ses197_1702-M-Mix01-MasOz.mp3 Whether it is perceived as quality, if 3 experienced musicians,
who knows more than 3 riffs, suddenly playing fresh, bloody and raw punk, just like other young people can, like any judge for themselves. It happened like this. . .
Hardy told beforehand by his attempt to just break open and
to photograph very blue crocuses and his surprise that
said the little blue peaks suddenly and completely disappeared,
as cause he wanted, because the sun had retired. . .

It starts quite “harmless” to. . . but then “point” release it almost abruptly,
turns entirely on the atonal, then starts again in tonality,
parodied the theme and ending perplexed and undecided. . .

Needle in the haystack

Starting from BuDu-Urton, the piece opens with care
groping the experiment. . . Poseten Tromaunen and give the
Flow a nasty blow to the jazzy.
The search for a needle in a haystack veräuft – as expected –
because without success, but this is irrelevant because it is about the search.
Paradise will not give it, but if the search should not stop.

Hours after midnight

The time in which the world rests, so 1:00 to 5:00.
But one wanders homeless through the dark streets. . . it is raining and cold.
The magazine of the revolver are six balls. . . the road meets the man his
Conscience and reason are still after his return all the balls in the magazine.


Everyone knows how long time it takes, to build confidence and everyone knows that it is completely destroyed in one single moment.
If that happens, then push the momentum pain, disappointment and
anger to the forefront of the experience.
Whether this is permanent or say whether it succeeds in its power in forgiveness
redeem depends on the quality of the relationship, or create such
only through a deeper understanding of the other. . !
All systems – whether individually or politically – to whom grace, forgiveness and
forgive are foreign, can prevail but by exerting violence,
make our planet a better place but they can not.
Confidence outlines exactly this process.

Don`t mind there`s a Lord

Although “BuDu typical” (but as always unique), as a haunting
through the sea of a thousand possibilities. . .
Groping in search of one for all resonanzfähigem pulse
search starts with a very serious, atonal free jazz theme. . .
up so flies a wild hornet, but tragic figure in a
tangled, hopelessly stuck. . . (And all the other pieces
through annoying! ).
Since the point is reached, is generated at the resonance. . .
Like a doctor experienced in quiet concentration that of a belly
Patient samples and “DA is the pain ..?” asks.
THEREFORE, the integrity of the generated material untouched
! remain Otherwise would not be clear whatBuDuClan it’s all about.

Far away + Video

Gloomy and strange this song comes from far, far ago. . .
comes close, breaks the cycle converts it into a spiral
and ends at a new level. . .
The Video :

I kick your ass

The nature of this process is accordingly, for this cut BuDuClan
uncharacteristically short (3:15)
. . . sneaks there but with a “hypocritical kindness” to,
plänkelt around a bit, but then shows it to be “true colors”. . .


. . since a swarm of hornets buzzing through the scene. . .
Penertrant and just go on forever, he sucks his fingers through his piece!
With much shouting and Gitarrengelärme, he is after 10
minutes in combat then it moves to the soft.

Feel me heal me

After a dark and mysterious beginning you can hear someone crying for love. . . ( that you`ll never can find, with this crying, cause love hides from violence and greed – that`s the dispair ! ) How much love can you bear . . ?

Your the one
