Hello, my name is Anastasia – you can call me Nasty !
May I introduce . . . ? Our groupie !
She is “digital”. I found her in the digital cloud that surrounds us like the atmosphere. A brilliant photo from the primeval times of photography, when the reality was even sharper than the television picture today and Photoshop was not necessary, because the picture is convincing. I adopted it to express the “little tick madness” that sometimes haunts the BuDu’s.
The inspiration came from the picture, the text followed, and the music will follow sometime! ( BuDu revers = foreward again… or ? )
For the first time ( in our now 15 year band history ), here is the attempt to start from a finished text …
Both the procedure and the structure are, as an exception, as conventional as they can be. “Nasty girl” was unanimously chosen by us as our muse (assuming she limits herself to dancing during the rehearsals in the future – rather than again, as the play climaxes to rip out the plugs indiscriminately because Nasty feels to get not enough attention for a moment ).
Sontext without song
As I promised at the beginning of this year (see “Nasty lovesong”),
is there now “Nasty-Lovesong Nr 2”: “Nasty girl”
In my mind it is so present that I already can almost hear. , ,
A roguish punk, for once with real chorus.
At some point you will hear it too. . .
Cold rage
Electronic – ironic
You’ re stuck ( The knot )
1st set: “The Guru lights the candles”
2nd set: “You’re stuck”
3rd set: “Salvation”
This cut is dedicated to Manfred B.
Victims and offenders
So bright
Die Veröffentlichung des zugehörigen Videos erfolgt zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt, da die Freigabe des Bildmaterials durch die BBC noch nicht erfolgt ist.
Wie der Tonart fremder Welten entnommen, ertönt martialischer Gitarrennoise vor dem bizarre Kreaturen ins Bild schweben. Es handelt sich dabei um computeranimierte Flusaurier des Namens Ornitokairos*, die vor Millionen von Jahren ihr Element die Lüfte beherrschten. ( Das Element Erde gehörte, wie man sieht, nicht zu ihrem Herrschaftsbereich . . .).
Was uns erhält ist der Trieb zur Arterhaltung, was uns voranbringt, ist der Eigensinn. . .Die hier animierten Szenen aus dem Liebesleben der Saurier, zeigen, wie brutal und gnadenlos der Kampf um die meisten Begattungen gewesen sein könnte . . .und, sie zeigen das traurige Ende mißlungenen Begehrens eines einzelnen, der seine Aufgabe erfüllt hat und zum Schluss eine würdige Bestattung erfährt.
So war das, und so ist das.
Äh, äh, äh ! Ich kann ja nicht “schön” singen . . .
Zu singen wie ne Nachtigall
kommt mir nicht in den Sinn
Ich krächze wie ein Rabe
weil ich ein Rabe bin ! ,
aber in der richtigen Tonart zu würgen zu können, ist ja auch was(5:53 ).
Zu diesen fremdartigen Kreaturen, kommen fremdartige Tonarten und Intervalle. . .und dann schimpft da auch noch einer rückwärts in die monsrösen Klangwogen, die an den Strand branden.
Sail away
http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/Sailaway-Ses252-250417-M+H-Mix01-MasInt-Comp.mp3 It is a great experience, when 50 square meters sails are unfolding and move a sailing yacht with 5 tons weight like weightless through the sea. . .
Is that still “budu”. . . and adds one more other facet ? Or is that already “Schnullie-Pop” ?
Space Candy
http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/SpaceCandy-Ses252-250417-M+H-Mix01-MasInt.mp3 Is that still “budu”. . . and adds one more other facet ? Or is that already “Schnullie-Pop” ?
http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/WaBaDuDa-Ses278-080117-M+H-Mix-02-MasInt.mp3 Comic – ironic – symphonic
Dear Sirs, do you still have a sow that you can let out . . ?
Or have you sacrificed it on the altar of the “good conduct” to pray before this for freedom?
Your sow is the best of you, because the original impulses flow through their veins until they arrive above, my “clean gentlemens” . . .
WaBaDuDa !
Nasty lovesong
Then three come from completely different directions and unite to an
irresistible, wind-driven groove.
Into this energy commands are grumbled. . . and shrieked with horror. .
to end in the end in a love affair.
This is`nt only a nasty lovesong, it is a lovesong dedicatet to Nasty,
who I like to introduce later. Nasty loves horror movies a lot, so I hope
she likes this rough and atonal sound.
And because this love is deep, one can wait for NastyLovesong No 2,
No 3, etc. . .
No one cares
A man curses almost uninterruptedly, until also that goes away. . . and he drowns in the sea of tears. . .
He fights, snaps once more for air, and calls for help one last time. . . then he slippes into the strange world of deep grief, which becomes ever more powerful and menacing, crushing him to the end mercilessly.
1st movement: Hovering – 2nd movement: Landing – 3rd movement: Evaporation
Seriously and thoughtfully it begins. . .sinning about passions, life-aims, and holy dreams, and concludes this observation painfully sober and sad.
The hot rage about missed opportunities, wrong decisions and lack of faith unloads itself in a small outrage . . . then it becomes bitchy and Funky.
In the last part the hot anger first changes into cold, then into the worst possible: indifference. Cool and unaffected, he strolls away. . .
War Clowns
The publication pause was not a creative one, but one technical (hardware and software updates). From now on there will be weekly “fresh cuts” again. . .
If the leaders of powerful nations make themselves so ridiculous as personalities, because their primitive intentions are so transparent, one can only laugh. . .Hopefully the laugh will not be stuck in our throats.
Horrorclowns are just in fashion. I could not imagine that this tastelessness could be surpassed. . .it can !
Horrorclowns may look more terrifying than War Clowns (Trutin, Erduump und Putoan), but War clowns not only scare for a short moment, they bring the horror over generations, because they cost so many people’s lives and destroy so many souls.
At the end, it is always the same. . .dead and traumatized remain.
The same akkordeon, who has performed for the victory celebrations, accompanies
the sad melodie of the injured and tries to spread cheerfulness unsuccessful
at the end. On the long road into an uncertain future, the akkordeon must
fall back to the lighter flute, which disappears into the gloomy future at the end . .
“War clowns” is dedicated to the listener from Donnetzk, who in the times of the
merciless fights almost daily BuDuClan has heard.
Був клоуни присвячений слухачів з Donetzk, який чув за часів безжалісних боїв
майже щодня BuDuClan.
Coming home
http://buduclan.de/music/music1/mp3/ComingHome-Ses277-281216-O+Hei-Mix01-MasOz.mp3 Not from “Ten Years After” but “8 hours later”. . .
one comes home from a stressful, dissonant working day and opens the door…
The “Clan” in BuDuClan means different line-ups. Finally it worked out, that DuBu plays.
That means not Mick,Bass and Hardy,Drumms (the basic line-up) but
O.Laf, Bass und Hei Ko, Drumms are playing – that`s DuBu !