Perceive Gemein, wie das Böse sich ganz allmählich und heimtückisch anschleicht und immer aggressiver werdend das Helle verdrängt und schließlich dominiert. Wenn für Andere der “Glaube an das Gute” nicht Bekenntnis ist, sondern nur als “naiv” empfunden wird, kann sowas schon mal passieren. . . aber das Gute nicht gewollt zu haben, wäre ja ein fataler Fehler.

Die brüllende Lautstärke, in der dieses Stück live entwickelt wurde, machten es zur Herausforderung, diese schwere, gewaltige Soundwalze wenigstens etwas transparent zu machen.

In gänzlich anderer musikalischer Form wurde das diesem Stück zugrunde liegende Erlebnis zuvor in einer Soloproduktion mit dem Titel : “Pack deine Sachen” auf zu Gehör gebracht.
Zu diesen Cut gibt es eine nähere Betrachtung unter “Gesang und Text”.
Soweit ich mich verstehen konnte, singe / schreie ich in “Perceive” in etwa folgendes :


Butterfly I am sending deep compassion for the people in Donetsk / Ukraine. I hope you find some comfort in my music. . . Drrramatical, trrragigcal..: the unbearably tenacious and unlucky fight of fruitless desire and inescapability..! BuDuClan is becoming more and more reduced because the good basic pattern is a simple one. You decide for yourselves whether the theme is flogged to death or comes to shine. At the beginning you can watch and enjoy the theme lingering about trying to find itself, then attempting again and again to maintain the tenderness on the one hand and not to give in to the unavoidable defeat. Depressing – like the old “Genesis” – this piece sways between rage and sadness, tilts from tender to hard and just does´nt come to a point but remains stuck in a hapless Sisiphos-trap…

Listen to the noise

This cut must be accompanied by a more elaborate comment.
On the one hand it is so distracting that even I myself was stunned for a start, on the other hand it exemplifies the process of creation of that strange BuDuClan music.

About the process:
This present cut makes easily understood how BuduClan is carefully groping through the dark, happily digging in the primeval swamps to find for all musicians – like in a meditation – a resonating feeling to be condensed.
I will not stop keenly considering this wonderful process and keeping it mostly unshortened while cutting – even though I might have to endure curses because the cuts are seen to be too long again.
This is the one and only BuDuClan! That joint resonance which is to be found and to be expressed.
The tonal and rhythmic structure arising there from remains free and changeable at any time because the feeling is the compass through the sea of thousand options … From “tender like a petal” to “bloody, raw and dirty” anything goes and right so covers the partly contradictive issue…
THATISWHY: “Are you still making music … or are you playing already?”
I will honour this process in future as “leading-off meditation”.

About the contents:
The old “Little Red Riding Hood”-subject in a new garment: Insidiousness!
Here it gently seduces “come right near´… so that I can eat you more easily!” This is not the musicians´ wickedness but it reveals the suffering at the insidiousness of the “real existing madness” we are living in. Anyone takes the mickey out of anyone else! Salads are not getting more expensive, but the plates are getting smaller…! That´s the way it goes nowadays.
As normatism and restriction of freedom have come to a worrying amount I think it is up to the artist living in society to act out a warning function. Who else should do so…?

About the piece:
Starting already at the “leading-off meditation”, there is an off-voice trying to hypnotise the listener: “listen to the noise – listen to the noise!” until (1:50) biting aggressiveness brakes through and furiously screams into the attentive listener´s ear. That is really mean indeed. Even meaner are but the official injustices and menaces that get painfully expressed in this cut.
It drives me mad to see how so much injustice and meanness is openly exercised and born without lament. THAT is what I scream into the listener´s ear so that he will see for himself! That is the key to understanding these cuts. (Well knowing that such an attempt is completely useless in reality!)
Even the saints (the wise of the willow) we are being deprived off by having them stained with irony.
Not the creative consciousness nor musical skill, but intuition and instinct are here at work. Scales and rhythm do matter to BuDuClan as much as traffic signs would to scenting deer. The melodies emerge out of themselves… and the surreal lyrics wander between onomatopoeia, Denglish, spontaneous bits and determining hook lines. At the beginning there is not the word, but an authentic impulse that is still searching for the word… From such a layer of consciousness BuDuClan generate their creations and lay open the channel to the incessantly bubbling well of musical inspirations – and have done so for more than ten years.
As the “pigs” keep people at it, BuDuClan allow their listeners a rest in between (so they don´t run away) just to keep viciously maltreating them thereafter again.
The piece wouldn´t end without living to see a way out: The recollection of the joint power finding a good long celebration in the final part. Only when cutting it I realised that the final part contains meditation experiences (dynamic meditation with catharsis) and also the association of an (almost) beating up in a restaurant I took for long forgotten ( the waiter…).

We don´t want “thumbs up”, but “hearts open”!


. . . times now they are not political, here!
A somber salute to “big brother”. . .
as evidence that he was recognized!
as a reminder of his conscience, because he is a
inhuman world shaping,
as a flag that uphold the worth your time. . .
because with the freedom to die all good things!

Can YOU hear . . ? Vers.1 + 5

Can YOU Hear-1

Can YOU Hear-5

. . . the volume with a better understanding is to gain, is known,

is not in moments of emotional arousal rarely forgotten. . .

Can YOU Hear-1 is the first version. It is one of the few tracks that were later re-invented several times. (See also text to galley …) Unbearable, gloomy, scary. . . Under “… more” there are 3 other versions. . . a rock version, a “dripping suffering” etc.


mehr. . .

Galeere -Vers. 1 + 8

. . . as we did not know that the “BuDu-trip” for us
leads definitive commitment to the process, we still thought in song structures.
This has led us to invent the idea of ​​the same subject again and again.
This is a document of this search from our early days.
The original version and a second version, which is worth to pursue to the end,
for since “drinks from the galley.” . .
Under “… more” there are 6 versions.
more. . .

Rape your Heart Über das sich selbst untreu werden. . .

Rape your heart. . . what a title!

Driven by a powerful bass, the guitar bleats pitifully and saws before annoyingly

down until the pressure built up in the word must be discharged. . .

The tortured soul cries out uncontrollably, what was done to her in the name of reason. . .

The “beautiful beings” that we are in an increasingly inhuman expectant

World, often even forced, against our hearts and our deepest beliefs

to act. What madness!. . . and even that is still public appeal

staged and marketed. . . Who in “Germany sucht den Superstar” does not have to puke

, is already part of the machinery.

And, after all the noise, then the end of this desperate “Hold the line”

which remains lonely, while the once-angry guitar bleating pitifully only

whimpers .. . . unbearable!



Beyond Versionen

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

Kiss the frog

. . . I got it from a fan of this little frog gift of clay. It inspired me to a little picture story. . .

. . .so gänzlich unscharf ist die Welt

bin ich ein Frosch nur…oder Held ?

vom Großen träumen, sei erlaubt,

doch meine Krone ward geraubt !

Red Indian

A cowboy story from the time, when life was still lethal for and “Eagle Eyes” could recognize a glow of a fire from great distances and “Pale faces” could smell redindians.
Campfire bean stew – after a long ride through “redindian country”.
Then: “Put out the fire – the redindans` re comming near …! “