Always open There is one who urgently needs to buy something before shop closing. He asks the people after the way to the business. . But all of them answer him, “Over there,” and point to the opposite side of the road. He rushes back and forth. . . Quite annoyed he meets someone who does not answer, but only smiles and touches with his fingertips his heart. . . After all, he still finds the business. There is a sign on the door:


sisyphusEvery day the same . . the dust is falling, dirty crockery grows to mountains, the rubbish bag becomes ever plumper, the bread is all, etc.. . Routine is at the same time the greatest enemy of inspiration and the ground on which it grows!

Give and receive


There’s someone who has turned the time. . .summertime, wintertime, clocktime, time of subjectivity. . .
Since the time of human thought, the sun often rises gorgeous and golden …and gives us the light that we need so much. And, it connects us with everything that was before us.
At the end of the play one screams terribly. . . , presumably because he lost this connection.
This is a bow to where we came from, before it grew loud and colorful. . .

All alone

We are never alone because we are always part of the whole. If this link is lost, it may be that we feel alone. . . then it is not really nice in paradise … and who is to go to hell, I do not quite know exactly, because I know none to whom I would wish.

Cmeh As usual, it begins resolutely indecisive. . .a banjo scrawls initially comically to atonal through the area until it seems that it has found its way. . . but this route leads directly into the underground. . .
First only threatening, then aggressive, it goes on a racy ride
downhill. . . Enjoy the ride, but hold on tight !

Space machine

Beyond the thin layer on which we live, worlds exist with completely
different laws. Beyond our consciousness the inner world in us… and beyond our knowledge the space around us.
A heavily toned spacecraft floats seemingly weightlessly through space,
moving forward, seemingly in slow motion, though it is at a rapid pace…

Hard enough Everything passes . . .and autumn reminds us every year. Autumnal melancholy, completely acoustic and exeptionally conventional.

You`ll never be Gloomy and uncanny, the bass creeps into the scene, which becomes increasingly oppressive and finally leads to bleak paralysis. The resistance, however, remains unsuccessful. . .

Dreams you had Coming home from the hustle and bustle of the working day, you pull not only
the shoes, but also the corset into which the respective function forces you. . .
Whether one breathes more deeply, or whether the difference between the
experienced reality and the dreamed ideas takes its breath is the question posed in this play.

Drunken angels

engelThat does not fit so well. . .
Angels do not cry ! . . and they do not drink at all,
for they are the idea of the immaculately good.


The sound of a sitar leads into the oriental space through which slowly a caravan passes through the barren, hot desert. . . Whether it is a sand storm, or a monstrous, biting insect, what they meet there, I can not say. . .

Spit With 2 new cuts, BuDulan returns from the summer break. Not that there was no music. . Every year I bring a song of my summer sea voyages: ” Here I am “. Disoriented and lost, the play seeks itself,
. . . until a sound like an annoying insect buzzes through the scene,
attracting all attention and and finally finds back the Lost NOW.


wankt hilflos zwischen Trauer und Wut hin und her. . .
Aushalten oder Aufbrechen. . .das ist hier die Frage.
Hier die Kurzversion ( 6:40 )
Hier die ( fast ) ungekürzte Sessionfassung für Genießer ( 13:48 )

Bäh Bäh !

Aus dem undefinierbaren BuDuClantypischen Anfangsgerummel erhebt sich langsam aber mächtig das Thema und duldet in seiner Entschlossenheit keinen Widerspruch. . . bis dann doch Zweifel aufkommen und das Thema nochmals von der anderen Seite betrachtet wird. . . um dann mit voller Wucht zurückzukehren und im “Bäh Bäh !” hängen zu bleiben und einen Veitstanz aufzuführen.
Bäh ! Bäh ! würde da BuDu sagen . . . siehe BuDuClan-Kontexte


It sucks ! Kaum zu glauben, das dies alles gleichzeitig und live entstanden ist. Von den ursprünglichen 36 Minuten sind 18 Minuten “Konzentrat” übriggeblieben. Ob das Thema “totgeritten” oder zum “Schillern” gebracht wurde, möge Jeder selbst beurteilen. Für meine Ohren, bleibt es spannend bis zum letzten Ton ( der uns m.E. besonders gut gelungen ist ).
Sehr langsam erwacht ein Monstrum, erhebt sich schwerfällig und setzt sich dumpf und instinktgesteuert in Bewegung. Martialisch stampft das Vieh durch das Stück und walzt alles nieder, das sich ihm in den Weg stellt . . .da bleibt nur die Flucht, von der hier erzählt wird.
Dieses Monster gibt es auch in uns ( vorausgesetzt es gibt in uns noch eine Sau, die herausgelassen werden kann. . . ). In dieser Beziehung ist Flucht allerdings keine Lösung, sondern nur Verlängerung der Qual !
“meet your monsters. . .they`re your friends !” siehe (bzw. höre ) Monsters
Ich möchte an dieser Stelle auf einen neuen Text hinweisen. “BuDuDuBuDaDa” – zum 100 Geburtstag von dada.