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Der größere Teil der gesungenen BuDuClan-Texte ist ja meist nur in den Hooklines verständlich. . . hier eine Ausnahme.
Ich habe den Text abgelauscht und geringfügig verändert.


FBI and NSA – keep their secrets locked away
Edward Snowdon blew them all about
Edward you are brave – you are so brave !

Sleep well and deep – you all

BND and MAD – listen to whatever you say
if you don`t know why am I – getting in this rage
imagine that your diary – is spread into the
world wide net

See them coming from behind
sowing – fear and jealousy

Worldwide people start to band
together to be one and to resist
to get out of the mist
Arabia Lybia, Italy, Berlin, Hamburg – here and now

but see how soft and sweet they are –
but see how soft and sweet they are

Peaceful people in a crowd
are something like a herd
they wanted to bring a stone to roll
but then they`re casting the first stone
they`re casting the first stone
casting the first stone –they`re casting the first stone!

oh, so soft and sweet they are
soft and sweet they are
soft and sweet they are

See the crowd has found
the beat is getting strong
so many people are convinced
so many can`t be wrong
so many can`t be wrong -so many can`t be wrong

I watched what was going on
and knew the crowd was right
but felt it`s getting violent
protest becoming fight. . . .

Come on Madeleine lets go
Come on Madeleine lets go
Come on Madeleine lets go
Come on Madeleine lets
Madeleine lets make love – not war !
I want to hear the rhythm of your heart
not that beating – that beat is much to hard
I want to hear the rhythm of your heart
not that beating – that beat is much to hard

3 Gedanken zu „NSAMAD

  1. Schön gruselig in Ton und Wort = wie das ganze Thema! ;-( berührende (W)Endung 🙂
    Leider ist der Text ohne die Vorlage nicht bzw. nur teilweise zu verstehen.
    Ansonsten schließe ich mich “Gubtel” an, nix “zu viel der Ehre”

    • Hi “Gubtel”,
      Danke für deinen freundlichen Kommentar.. . .aber nicht zu viel Ehre, weil das ja geschnitten ist
      ( also Überlängen, grobe Spielfehler entfernt ), das muss man dabei bedenken.
      Wenn Dich das Konzept interessiert, lies mal unter “Was ist BuDu ” die Manifeste 01-04.
      . . .watch, what happens around you ! Liebe Grüße BuDu

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